RWS Certification

RWS – looking out for sheep, farmers and consumers The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is a certification standard that addresses the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on. It sets guidelines for the ethical and sustainable production of wool, covering various aspects of the supply chain from the farm to the final product.…

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RWS – looking out for sheep, farmers and consumers

The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is a certification standard that addresses the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on. It sets guidelines for the ethical and sustainable production of wool, covering various aspects of the supply chain from the farm to the final product. RWS is in continuous development, searching and enabling new trajectories for bettering the wool farming industry.

The Responsible Wool Standard covers all areas related to sheep farming

Animal Welfare:

The RWS places a strong emphasis on the humane treatment of sheep. It prohibits practices such as mulesing, a controversial method of removing folds of skin from the rear end of sheep to prevent flystrikes. A non-mulesing way of farming requires much more work, resources and dedication, but ensures a painless life of sheep.

Land Management:

It’s no secret that farming in some cases adds to the solid erosion and overall endangerment of biodiversity, that is why the RWS includes criteria related to land management practices to ensure the sustainability of grazing areas.


The RWS requires traceability throughout the wool supply chain. This means that certified products can be traced back to the farms where the wool originated, providing transparency and accountability. At Omniteksas we consider traceability as one of our work ethics basics, which is why our supply chain tracking starts from the sheep and ends up in packing and logistics.

Independent Certification:

Like many other sustainability certifications, the RWS involves third-party certification. Independent organizations assess and verify that farms and businesses comply with the standard requirements.

Social Responsibility:

While the primary focus is on animal welfare and land management, the RWS also incorporates social responsibility aspects, including fair labor practices and ethical treatment of workers in the wool industry.

Supply Chain Transparency:

The RWS encourages transparency in the supply chain, ensuring that consumers have access to information about the origins of the wool in the products they purchase. Omniteksas pioneers in this field by including a newly EU legislated Digital Product Passport, showcasing a wide variety of product data for buyers and end customers. Upon demand, full supply chain transparency is easily attainable.

Certification standards like the RWS play a crucial role in promoting ethical and sustainable practices within the textile industry. They provide consumers with a way to make more informed choices and support products that align with their values regarding animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

Learn more about socially and environmentally aware practices at Omniteksas.